5 Powerful Reasons Why Community Health Workers Help Your Program
Find out the top 5 benefits of a Community Health Worker program for at-risk populations — and how your agency can help improve health outcomes.
Find out the top 5 benefits of a Community Health Worker program for at-risk populations — and how your agency can help improve health outcomes.
If you’re involved in a program for community health workers, you’ve probably had to deal with employee turnover. Most agencies that hire CHWs, community health representatives, promotores, or similar staffers, deal with the same issue. In the case of CHWs, retention becomes an issue because career advancement as a CHW is a barrier, according to …
Boosting CHW Retention with Professional Development Read More »
Healthcare is better than ever, in many ways. Improvements in research and technology mean that providers and systems are able to screen and treat people early and better. And CHWs are key in connecting patients with these resources, which leads to healthier communities and disease prevention. But the ability to provide this kind of care …
What Is Cultural Competence and why CHWs Need It Read More »
Does your agency need to connect with members of the community? Do you serve people who need help with healthcare information and services? Do you find there’s a disconnect between your clients or high-risk patients and healthcare, government, and social service systems? Then you could probably benefit from hiring a community health worker (CHW). The …
Everything You Ever Wondered About Hiring a Community Health Worker Read More »
Imagine that person you’ve worked with who seems to have mastered their job. It’s that community health worker (CHW), promotor, or health navigator who seems to know all the community partners, who can cut through red tape, who can connect with coworkers and clients in a meaningful way. It’s that person that everyone just seems …
Studying or working from home? Try these free new skills to learn from home.
Nearly every day, a new study shows that healthy habits are the ticket to living longer and feeling better while you do live by avoiding diseases like diabetes. Eating well, exercising often, stopping smoking, keeping to a healthy weight, and limiting alcohol pays off. Diabetes among your community members and patients is probably one of …
By Monique Cuvelier Health insurance is—if possible—even more important for Americans now than ever before. Everyone’s healthcare needs have been turned upside down, thanks to the coronavirus. Some people are sicker, some are withholding their preventative care checkups, such as breast cancer screenings, until they feel comfortable visiting doctors, and others still have shifts—or gaps—in …
[Read this post in English.] El contagio por VIH solía ser una sentencia de muerte, y para muchos aún lo es. El Centro para el Control y prevención de Enfermedades Infecciosas (CDC) reporta que la raza y etnicidad tienen repercusiones sobre la prevención y manejo del VIH/SIDA. El Día Nacional Latino para la Concientización del …
7 Recursos de Proyección Comunitaria para el Día de Concientización Latinx sobre el SIDA Read More »
I’m often asked, “Do you know of any upcoming conferences for CHWs in my area?” The answer used to be different, but these days, community health workers and others in a similar role are well represented at conferences. Here’s a list, so you can get planning. Know of others that aren’t here? Let me know! …